Workshop Controlled Space
A collaboration of The International Academy of Art, Palestine, STROOM Den Haag and the Royal Academy of Art, Master Interior Architecture INSIDE, from 15 to 19 September 2014.
This year the overall theme of INSIDE is ‘controlled space’ in which we explore the increasing tendencies of our current society to empower and control (semi)-public space.
What are the mechanisms and spatial implications of observation networks and permanent supervision? Do they affect the behaviour of the citizens? And in which way do they influence the design and experience of our built environment? In Ramallah (Palestine) control and restrictions are deeply rooted in society.
In this workshop students from The International Academy of Art, Palestine and INSIDE will investigate the visible and invisible controlled spaces throughout the city of The Hague.
With: Jacob Voorthuis, David Hamers, Peter Zuiderwijk, Malkit Shoshan, Sander Veenhof and Anne Hoogewoning (INSIDE), Hans Venhuizen (INSIDE) and Brigitte van der Sande (STROOM).
INSIDE Students: David Benz, Dutch; Camilla Casiccia, Italian; Elena Conrad, German; Anique van Helden, Dutch; Hegriastri Karlina Hutaries, Indonesian; Heejung Kim, Korean; Sisi Li, Chinese; Helan Miao, Chinese, Joao Moreira, Portugese, Zacharias Antoniades, Cypriot, Emilija Juodyte, Lithuanian, Elide Mozzorecchi, Italian; Jillian Chen, Chinese
Students of the The International Academy of Art, Palestine:
Hasan Daraghmeh, Shayma Albess, Mahdi Baraghithi, Asem Naser, Lama Takruri, Ayed Arafah
Khaled Hourani, Wafa Maree (Ramallah), Hans Venhuizen (INSIDE), Anne Hoogewoning (INSIDE), Brigitte van der Sande (STROOM)