
Master Interior Architecture


INSIDE MAGAZINE 2021 #12 is Out Now!

We’re proud to present to you the 12th edition of INSIDE Magazine. This year INSIDE magazine, the works and thoughts of the Master Interior Architecture of the Royal Acadamy of Art The Hague, is fully digital.

Thanks to the digital format of this magazine, this year’s selection of the results of this year’s INSIDE programme can be much wider. It includes the first year studios with Studio Makkink & Bey, Ira Koers and Gerjan Streng in collaboration with Klodiana Millona and Axel Timm of raumlaborberlin. It shows the results of the Flows Program of Superuse, the Theory program of Anne Hoogewoning, the results of the Skills workshop by Mauricio Freyre and the Travel program assembled every year by Hans Venhuizen. Browse the digital version of the 12th edition of the INSIDE Magazine now through clicking on this link.

It also includes a Podcast!

INSIDE MAGAZINE 1920 #11 is Out Now! 

We’re proud to present the 11th edition of INSIDE Magazine!

Read about the 2019/2020 programme and view the student work on!

With work of our 1st year students:

 Johannes Equizi, Jeanne Rousselot, Tereza Chronakova, Elisa Piazzi, Hugo Lopez Silva, Alicja Bedkowska, Florian Bart, Julia Holmgren, Aaron Kopp, Natalia Posnik, Martyna Kildaite, Junyao Yi

and work of our 2nd year students:

Shripal Shah, Ausra Česnauskytė, Davida Rauch, Michael Barchini, Mary Farwy, Sebastian Koukkides, Devina Amelia, Natali Blugerman, Keyi Xiang and Samantha Vosse

INSIDE MAGAZINE 1819 #10 is Out Now! 

We’re proud to present the 10th edition of INSIDE Magazine!

Read about the 2018/2019 programme and view the student work on!

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With work of our 1st year students:

Shripal Shah, Ausra Česnauskytė, Davida Rauch, Michael Barchini, Mary Farwy, Linus Fridén, Sebastian Koukkides, Devina Amelia, Natali Blugerman, Keyi Xiang and Samantha Vosse

and work of our 2nd year students:

Jack Bardwell, Hande Öğün, Daniele Valentino, Yunkyung Lee, Lucinda Zhang, I-Chieh Liu, Lotti Gostic, Adriel Quiroz Silva, Laura Frias Muñoz del Cerro


INSIDE MAGAZINE 1718 #9 is Out Now! 

We’re proud to present the 9th edition of INSIDE Magazine!

Read about the 2017/2018 programme and view the student work on!


With work of our 1st year students:

Jack Bardwell, Hande Öğün, Daniele Valentino, Yunkyung Lee, Lucinda Zhang, I-Chieh Liu, Lotti Gostic, Adriel Quiroz Silva, Laura Frias Muñoz del Cerro


Also check out the Graduation projects of our talented INSIDE 1718 alumni:


With work of INSIDE alumni:

Jo Basset, Zara Bennett, Yu-Chin Ku, Goda Verikaite, Farah Zamri, Jinaa Baek, Janneke Derksen, Eva Gonzalez, Shinyoung Kang, Dylana Kim, Pichaya Puapoomcharoen, Yuan-Chun Liu


INSIDE MAGAZINE 1617 #8 is Out Now! 

We’re proud to present the 8th edition of INSIDE Magazine!

Read about the 2016/2017 programme and view the student work on!

Schermafbeelding 2017-06-22 om 17.21.51

With work of our 1st year students:

Joe Basset, Zara Bennett, Yu-Chin Ku, Goda Verikaite, Farah Zamri, Jinaa Baek, Vittoria Colangelo, Janneke Derksen, Eva Gonzalez, Shinyoung Kang, Dylana Kim, Pichaya Puapoomcharoen, I-Chieh Liu, Yuan-Chun Liu


Also check out the Graduation projects of our talented INSIDE 1617 alumni:

With work of alumni:

Isadora Davide, Minjung Kang, Klodiana Millona, Makiko Morinaga, Arvand Pourabbasi and Mila Tesic.



We’re proud to present the 7th edition of INSIDE magazine.

Read about the 2015/2016 programme and student work on



Also please check out the Graduation booklet we made of the work of our graduate students:

With work of our graduate students:

Camillia Casiccia, Elena Conrad, Heejung Kim, Helan Miao, Sisi Li, Yuiko Yokota, Hegiasri Hutaries

And work of our first year students:

Arvand Pourabassi, Klodiana Milona, Isadora Davide, Minjung Kang, Makiko Morinaga, Mila Tesic, Yuan-Chun Liu, Weini Lu


INSIDE magazine #6

INSIDE magazine #6 is out now!

INSIDE Magazine #6 offers a selection of the 2014/2015 programme results and presents work of first year students & the 4 graduation projects.

Work of INSIDE’s first years: David Benz, Camilla Casiccia, Elena Conrad,  Anique van Helden, Hegia Hutaries, Heejung Kim, Sisi Li, Helan Miao, Joao Moreira and Yuiko Yokota.
Graduation projects by the 4 second years: Zacharias Antoniades, Jillian Chen, Emilija Juodyte and Elide Mozzorecchi.

You can read it here at ISSUU.

Shopping Off Shopping

INSIDE Magazine #5/#4

INSIDE #5/#4 presents the Graduation Projects of INSIDE’s 2nd. Class of Graduates, and interviews held by first and second year Master Students on the theme of Off Shopping, which were supported by a ghostwriter for bachelor theses (ghostwriter bachelorarbeit), “defined as possible alternatives for the usual typology of shops: a housing block in Beijing (China) where shopkeepers sell art supplies to students of the nearby art academy and disguised family houses in Krakow (Poland) hidden in secret passages where people can buy vintage products and have a beer or a glass of wine”.

It has been published in the beginning of July 2014 at the occasion of the Graduation Exhibition 2014.

You can read the magazine here at ISSUE.



INSIDE Magazine #3

INSIDE 24H, our third magazine has been published in the beginning of July 2013 at the occasion of the end-of-year exhibition of 1st and 2nd. year master projects. In the academic year 2012/2013 INSIDE’s programme focussed on the reuse of empty office buildings and has researched two notable empty office buildings: the Ministry of Internal Affairs in The Hague , and the former Shell Building, now Hofpoort, in Rotterdam which was newly programmed for the Rotterdam Day of Architecture to be held on 21 and 22 June 2013. For 24 hours, INSIDE occupied 4 floors with 1st. and 2nd. year designs documented in this magazine.

Download the INSIDE24H here.


The magazine publishes a collection of theory, projects and designers on the topic of flows. Interviews with Daan Roosegaarde, Marije van Zomeren, Gunter Pauli


INSIDE Magazine #2
INSIDEflows. Reinventing the performance of space.

INSIDE’s magazine #2 is dedicated to the research group FLOWS led by Jan Jongert, Lector at INSIDE ( The magazine publishes a collection of theory, projects and designers on the topic of flows. It also contains three interviews by the INSIDE graduate students Wei-Hsun Chen, Minsun Kim and Foteini Mermygka with Daan Roosegaarde, Marije van Zomeren en Gunter Pauli.

Download the INSIDEflows here.




INSIDE Magazine #1

We are proud to present the first issue of our magazine Enter INSIDE. With contributions by students, teachers, architects and designers connected to INSIDE, the magazine gives you insight into what it means to design for the real world. Designed by Roosje Klap this first issue is devoted to the experience of travel. Through interviews by our students with designer Jan Konings and artist Kyong Park we learn about the importance of travelling. As Hans Venhuizen (teacher of the Travel program) describes: “Only by travelling somewhere you can see and feel the real spaces, smell the real odours and meet the real people. And there is a lot to see and feel everywhere.”

Download the INSIDEtravel here.