Decision-making Laboratory at Museum night Rotterdam: Great success!
Impressions of the installations built by INSIDE students during the Museum night in Rotterdam at the 4th of March 2017. Photography by Sander van Wettum.
At the 4th of March our first year INSIDE students created a Decision-making Laboratory at the Goethe Institute Niederlande. In this laboratory visitors could participate in the ‘decision-making’ about current issues in German society.
The students created a Boardroom, in which visitors had to come to a joined consensus about one particular asked question.
In the Arena visitors could respond to statements by moving closer to a dot on the ground if they agreed with the statement, or moving away from the dot if they firmly disagreed. This created visual opinions and groups.
In the 1:1 setting teams of visitors were asked questions and had to tell each other stories while changing their sitting-positions in the room.
The Online decision making was done in extreme circumstances, under a blanket or in an incubation cell.
The main question the students asked theirselves was: ‘How do these settings and circumstances influence people’s decisions?’. All this led to research results the students will use for their future design projects of the studio ‘Let’s Decide’!
Decision-making laboratory /
Entscheidungslabor is a project by
INSIDE-master interior architecture
Royal Academy of Art in The Hague
for Goethe institute Rotterdam
with the participation of:
Lotte van den Berg – Mauricio Freyre
-Anne Hoogewoning – Erik Jutten
-Hans Venhuizen.
Article written by Lotte van den Berg, Coordinator at INSIDE